Now he rests in peace at the octopus garden (under the yellow submarine) in Think's Survival Let's Play Maximus (deceased): A baby tabby cat who drowned to death in episode 113 when think was building the yellow submarine.Fluffy: A tabby cat in Think's Survival Let's Play.In episode 9, Mooncake got struck by lightning. Mooncake (deceased): A cat with two different eye colours on each side in Minecraft Hardcore.Anthony: A siamese cat who guards the Noodle Museum with Cleopatra (tabby cat) in Think's Survival Let's Play.Bugs: A brown bunny in Think's Survival Let's Play.Hershey: A brown bunny in Think's Survival Let's Play.Shadow: A black bunny in Think's Survival Let's Play.Zoey: A skeleton horse who Think calls OP (overpowered) because of the large health bar.Chuck Norris: A skeleton horse in Think's Survival Let's Play.Reaper: A skeleton horse in Think's Survival Let's Play.Grim: A skeleton horse in Think's Survival Let's Play.Unnamed Horse: A horse who suffocated to death because of the 1.9 snapshot glitch on part 280 in Think's Survival Let's Play, and then later on, Think did an unnamed horse memorial in the next episode to remember the innocent horse who didn't even get the chance to be named.Eddie Murphy: A donkey in Think's Survival Let's Play.Stucky The Unlucky: A gray horse in Think's Survival Let's Play.

Dave: A minion in Think's Lab who guards Think's Lab and Kevin's cousin.Kevin: A minion in Think's Lab who invents stuff, likes to prank Thinknoodles, also likes TNT a lot, and Dave's cousin.Patrick: A villager who works at the carrot shop in Think's Survival Let's Play.Spongebob: A villager who works at the carrot shop in Think's Survival Let's Play.Thinknoodles has a number of pets and other named entities in his series.